February 2016 Income Report
Note that unless otherwise specified, all amounts indicated are pre-tax. Note also that payments are indicated in the month they are received, not in the month that work is completed. Parenthesis show change from the previous month.
Affiliate Revenue – $72.26 (-$0.42)
Airbnb – $369 (+$128.00)
Award Bookings – $755.17 (+$601.47)
Cash Back Promotions – $372.74 (+$261.50)
Freelance Writing – $1,293.78 (+$617.78)
Misc. – $146.65 (+$146.65)
Substitute Teaching – $0 (-$123.25)
Travel Agency – $20.50 (+$20.50)
Tutoring (online) – $493.20 (-$631.13)
Total: $3523.30 (+$1,023.28)
February 2016 Reflections
February was a pretty darn good month. In fact, it was the best month I have had in terms of income since I left my “regular job” as an engineer. The most notable things from this month are that my freelance writing increased to about double the number of articles per week that I was doing before. Additionally, one of the clients that hadn’t paid me since December 1 of last year finally closed out their invoice… and indicated that they are interested in working with me in the future. I told them yes, as long as they pay me up front for future work… We’ll see how that goes. The extra writing has taken a bit away from having time to substitute teach and online tutoring, but I am okay with that since my total income is up by more than $1,000 compared to January. Not a bad way to be starting out 2016!
my favorite series.
I really think posts like this are inspirational to those making sure quitting their straight jobs is possible and doable. Thanks.
Thanks! I have read a lot of similar ones online, but always with wayyyy more established people. Kind of hard to relate to someone who makes 100K every month!