The last couple days have been more relaxing than many of my days are. Don’t get me wrong though, I worked a bunch. You see, I got invited to tag along with some friends to Phuket, Thailand… but since one of my friends is also my business partner, traveling together always means a bit of work (which is a good thing since it seems that we’re rarely in the same country at the same time). We had a productive yet relaxing few days, which leaves me nice and energized for my next adventure…. THE DURIAN TOUR! More on that next week 🙂
I also decided I need to start working to plan the second half of my Europe Trip for later this year. I know I’m going to Iceland for 4 days, and then on to Germany for 6 days of beer-related activities in Munich and the surrounding areas. After that I’m splitting off from the rest of the group and traveling for about 10 more days. I want to visit countries I haven’t been to before, and I’m thinking I’ll head to Slovakia and Romania… but I’m open to suggestions for anything to do in Eastern Europe! Do you have a favorite country, city, or cuisine? I’d love to hear about it.
My wife and I did Budapest for the first time this Spring, and it was just stunning. Easy train access from Munich, low prices, great food, awesome architecture, and world class museums and culture. Oh, and English shockingly widely spoken.