Well, it’s a little bit over 1/2 way through the year of 2014, and I wanted to look at the first 6 months of travel in 2014, and look forward to my travel for the upcoming 6 months.

Here is my flight summary so far this year:

6 Months of Travel in 2014


I’ve visited 4 new countries: China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. That trip was also the longest international trip I’ve taken to date — just short of 6 weeks total. It was great! Trip report still to come 🙂

I’ve flown over 35,000 miles. I was on one flight that was diverted. I also flew international first class for the first time (Thai BKK – FRA, Lufthansa FRA – DTW).

52 nights spent away from home (and really, more because that doesn’t include nights stayed with friends/parents).

My blog moved to Prior2Boarding!


Things aren’t calming down around here the second half of the year either. I have another 35,000 miles worth of flights already booked, but some of those aren’t even complete trips, and it appears that this may be my first year flying over 100,000 miles! Here’s a quick look at travel for the rest of 2014 as of now:

July: 1 week in Bloomington, Indiana for a class (I’m starting an MBA program!)

August: 1 week in Seattle for the F2B Seattle Sessions, some sightseeing, and climbing Mt. Rainier.

September: a long weekend in Las Vegas, and a week in Seoul, South Korea

October: a weekend in Chicago for the Chicago Seminars, and a week in Guatemala

November: some undetermined amount of time in Europe

December: St. Maarten, and hopefully some amount of time in Europe and Japan (still working on the logistics of that one)


It’s going to be a great second half of the year for travel!