Back in October, I wrote about a crazy trip, or really few trips, I had planned.

The headline at the time was:

2 Trips. 6+ Bookings. 11+ Countries. 16+ Flights. Only $1,040.93. And Points.

But, it got even more intense than that! Here’s what actually ended up happening with my crazy, cheap trips…

Trip 1. 8,941 miles.

Trip 1. 8,941 miles. [October Plan]

Trip 1. 9810 miles. [Actual]

Trip 1. 9810 miles. [Actual]


Additional segments include Washington DC – New York La Guardia and Ljubljana, Slovenia – Copenhagen.

Trip 2a. 3,335 miles.

Trip 2a. 3,335 miles.


Trip 2a went as planned, though a day trip was added in to Saba, a nearby island. I don’t include this in flights for the trip because it was solely a day activity, it was not required in order to get anywhere.

Trip 2b. 24,662 miles. [October Plan]

Trip 2b. 24,662 miles. [October Plan]

Trip 2b. 26,098 miles. [Actual]

Trip 2b. 26,098 miles. [Actual]


Here, one change was that instead of flying my segment from London – Dusseldorf, and then driving to Prague, I booked a ticket from London – Prague… that included a 50 minute Terminal 5 to Terminal 3 transfer, needless to say, I barely made that flight. I also decided to go visit a friend who was living in Osaka, so I flew from Tokyo to Osaka, and then from Osaka to Hong Kong.

Trip 1, 2a, and 2b. 36,939 miles. [October Plan]

Trip 1, 2a, and 2b. 36,939 miles. [October Plan]

Trip 1, 2a, and 2b. 39,244 miles. [Actual]

Trip 1, 2a, and 2b. 39,244 miles. [Actual]


Woah. That’s a lot of miles in the air!

This is what my bookings ended up looking like.

crazy, cheap trips

The final stats ended up being…

2 [.5] Trips. 12 Bookings. 14 Countries. 22 Flights. Only $1,428.81. And  115,500 Points.

On top of that, I earned 49,604 miles. Not too shabby.