Recently, I was doing a round of credit card applications for my parents. I was getting “them” the old amex blue and the Barclay Arrival cards, though the cards were going to be mostly for my use (and of course my parents are going to score some free/discounted trips out of the deal). I managed to piss off Barclay pretty well because of the applications.
I was working on applications at the end of the day after I got all of the info I needed from my parents. I applied for the amex cards first and got instant approvals for both, then applied for the Barclay cards and they both went into pending status, which I consider to be normal from Barclay.
A few days later my mom tells me she got a weird call from Barclay where they were asking her to verify a whole bunch of information, but at the end of the call they did approve the card. Over the next week or so I asked my mom a few times if she had heard anything from Barclay about my dad’s card, with a nope every time. Weird, I thought. At first I thought it was because I had applied for an arrival card for both of my parents and added myself as an authorized user on both cards during the application process, that turned out not to be the case.
A little while later, my mom gets a letter in the mail from Barclay, asking her to call them before they will approve her card. Super weird, I thought.
I had set up the email correspondence for the cards to come to my email, so I started looking back towards the application date for the cards. Lo and behold, two emails from Barclay stating that the application had be received… addressed to my mom. Well, I figured out what the problem was there… guess I shouldn’t be working on applications late at night anymore! I thought that was the end of that.
I was wrong.
A few days later I was trying to set up the online account for the card, but couldn’t! I was told to call Barclay’s customer service, and since I had all of the information I just decided to do it even though it is technically my mom’s account. They asked me to verify a whole bunch of information, and then told me that I had to take my (well, my mom’s) driver’s license and the card into a bank and have them swipe it like they were going to do a cash advance, and then they would see a number to call Barclay.
Well, I couldn’t take care of that part for her.
Yesterday my mom went to our local bank, but they didn’t have the right type of cash advance machine to do it. Next she made a couple phone calls and found a bank that was able to help, and she went. The teller and Barclay got on the phone, and there was a whole bunch of verification going on… but they eventually figured out the problem. The application had gone through with my mom’s SSN, my dad’s birthday, and my dad’s mother’s maiden name. Even after Barclay called my mom to verify the information! Obviously some of the problem was my fault for submitting two applications under my mom’s name with conflicting information, but Barclay definitely didn’t fix the situation up front either.
Some of the problem was your fault? What the f*** are you smoking? I think a Barclay fraud investigation is warranted, if not full criminal proceedings. This is ridiculous, even by Boarding Area standards.
Feel free to express you opinion, but let’s not be vulgar. Last time I checked everyone has made a mistake before.
I just have to say that “let’s not be vulgar” always seems ridiculous to me. What are we, so pristine that we’ve never read/heard swearing like the F-word? As far as I’m concerned, pretending to be a blushing virgin when confronted with what is normal language in our age is much more offensive that actually using some combination of letters (or mouth sounds) that someone, somewhere, decided was wrong.
And, as far as the actual sentiment expressed, Drew is completely correct to exclaim strongly that, rather than your rationalizing cop-out that, “some of the problem was my fault”, the ENTIRE EPISODE WAS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT.
Certainly we all make mistakes, but when you make one, please, stand up and honestly admit to it rather than distorting it in your mind (or quite publicly, in this case) so that you only take partial blame. Mistakes are normal and an integral part of learning anything. Let the first baby who walked without ever falling cast the first stone.
I appreciate your feedback. Thanks for reading!
I was thinking the same thing while reading this…
Thanks for reading!
LOL – I haven’t had to deal with that too much. My wife really doesn’t like when she has to call into somewhere for a pending application that “she” did
I just told my mom to say that I do most of the computer stuff in the family, which isn’t too far off true, and that I messed up, and that worked out fine. Just I guess the first person that called didn’t actually verify all of the information.
I don’t think Barclay really cares … but if I were your mother I’d be pissed due to all that hassle thx to you!
She handled it well. She already gotten a couple partially paid for trips out of my hobby without doing any of the work, and she is definitely going to get more, so I think she thinks it’s an alright trade
I had a different methodology of pissing Barclays off. I signed up for a card, I forget which, maybe the Arrival. It was denied because of high balances. I called the reconsideration line and worked hard to get it approved. Not only did the grumpy man not approve it, he took the opportunity to cancel my US Airways and one other Barclays card! Wow. I still remember where I was sitting during the call: in my room at the Z Ocean Hotel in Miami Beach talking with this reconsideration moron while my family frolicked on the beach.
I called back and spoke with a supervisor to no avail.
Fortunately, Barclays is either forgiving or the guy who canceled my cards was way off the rails, because I applied again not too long in the distant future and they approved several cards with high CLs.
WOW. That’s pretty crazy. It’s nice that you were able to get approved again though! I’ve always struggled with Barclay, that’s why getting my parents to apply ended up being the best solution.
I once put my social security number on wife’s application. It was a mess to clear up. I learned not to mix our applications because of it. My wife would not have been happy to have to jump through those hoops!
Yeah, I figure there’s really no reason to do apps for two people in the same day, with the exception of special offers anyway. Lessons learned for both of us
I’m just glad my mom’s a good sport!
[…] How to Piss Off Barclay – Point Princess. A very interesting account of what happened when the blogger tried to apply for her parents. Certainly gives some great insight of how different and goofy this bank can be than what we are accustomed to here in the US! […]
Point Princess’s experience not withstanding, Barclays “security” is almost comical in its inefficiency. I get text messages that simply say the card was used…….not where, not how much was charged.. just used. AND the text message is usually 24 hours after the purchase. I recently added myself to my wife’s account. I made a $4K purchase. It went through, no problem. Then I get a call from security. “Did you make the charge?” Yes, I reply. They then call the primary card holder, my wife. They tell her a $4K purchase was made by the other card holder. Was it authorized? They don’t tell her where the charge was made or give her any other information. She confirms the charge was OK, assuming it was me. (called me immediately to confirm) The whole process took about 20 minutes. Overall, I am underwhelmed with Barclay’s security. They need to take lessons from AMEX.
Just my two cents from Toledo.
Interesting experience with Barclay’s security. So far I haven’t encountered that with my purchases but it would be interesting to compare to AMEX and Chase’s fraud prevention. Thanks for your two cents!
BEWARE! HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! If you have any problems, the company won’t resolve them! I applied for this card in May because I was planning a trip overseas. It was rated highly and I hoped to use it for a majority of my expenses. The card fine as long as I never had a problem. Unfortunately, right before I was scheduled to leave on my trip, the problems began. They notified me that they were sending me a “new” card because the “new” card had a chip. I immediately called and told them that the card I had in my possession already had a chip. They erroneously told me that as long as I didn’t activate the new card, my old card would work. I have contacted the company multiple times trying to reach a resolution. I am now traveling. I guess I won’t be using the Barclaycard Arrival Plus™ World Elite MasterCard®. Since the Customer Service I have received so far has been HORRIBLE, I have asked that my account be closed. BEWARE! If you have any problems, the company won’t resolve them! They don’t listen to customers. It is a shame.
My experience hasn’t been quite as painful as it sounds like yours was! I hope everything worked out in the end.