As a reminder, I am biking over 4,000 miles across the country, from Baltimore, MD to San Francisco, CA in support of the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. Along the way, I am also doing a combination of 10,000 sit-ups and push-ups for each young adult who dies from cancer every year.
Total Miles This Week: 515 (Trip Total = 2321)
Total Push-Ups This Week: 45 (Trip Total = 305)
Total Sit-Ups This Week: 80 (Trip Total = 500)
Here are some highlights from the past week:
*riding through Fort Riley
*meeting up with the 4K Runners
*finding a host for one of the days that we didn’t have one, which meant that we got to have our rest day in Wichita, KS instead of Salina
*my favorite ride so far this trip: Salina to Wichita, KS
*stopping for coffee within the first mile of the Wichita ride, and getting Krispy Kremes “donated” (they weren’t allowed to donate the old donuts… had to throw them away, but the nice man left them out on the curb for us!)
*stopping for ice cream about 5 miles away from the host (Wichita ride)
*going out to Caiti’s friends house and then to the bar with the majority of the 4K gang (Wichita)
*going to the mall in Wichita
*catching up on sleep on the rest day in Wichita (Wichita clearly was awesome!)
*going out to dinner twice and having steak! I’ve missed other sources of protein beside peanut butter (which we eat a ton of)
*dressing up for the 4th of July and watching/lighting fireworks
*shaved ice cream in Dodge City, KS (ever had it? It’s awesome!) (no… not of the vanilla variety :p)
*my dad flying out to Colorado to see us (on Spirit… boo)
*unlocking the Not In Kansas Anymore Badge on FourSquare
Yay! You’re not in Kansas anymore! Not gonna lie- I’m kind of jealous about the Foursquare badge. I want one!
I definitely think it’s one of the more exciting badges I’ve gotten so far (and I do have quite a few!) An easy one to get… just need a short trip into KS!
Man you have some awesome adventures under your belt!
Hehe coming from the master!