Wow. This past week has been intense. Today is Day 9 of the 4K for Cancer, and we are are finally riding out of Virginia today!

As a reminder, I am biking over 4,000 miles across the country, from Baltimore, MD to San Francisco, CA in support of the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. Along the way, I am also doing a combination of 10,000 sit-ups and push-ups for each young adult who dies from cancer every year.

Total Miles This Week: 337 (Trip Total = 337)

Total Push-Ups This Week: 220 (Trip Total = 220)

Total Sit-Ups This Week: 370 (Trip Total = 370)


Here are some highlights from the past week:

*riding by a total of 3 airports: BWI, DCA, and a small little airport/drag strip

*listening to the cicadas while we rode (there are a ton of them this year!)

*seeing some old friends and making new ones

*seeing 2 really cute puppies on one of the rides

*getting one of the best lunches for the team, including 10 quarts of Italian ice and gelato!

*riding though the Appalachian Mountains… although the hill  s and rain were less exciting than the views

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