I get a lot of questions from friends about how I pay for my travel. I graduated from college in 2013, so I haven’t spent years saving up for travel. My parents don’t subsidize my travel costs. I am able to travel so much because I know where to look for the good deals, and how to get value out of frequent flyer miles that I am able to earn very cheaply.

In order to help my friends, and other people my age, see how it is possible to travel so inexpensively, I am going to implement a 100% trip cost transparency initiative for my blog. This will include the costs of travel, lodging, food, activities, gifts, souvenirs, and anything else I spend money on while I travel. I will also do my best to account for the cost of the miles that I spend.

Now, sometimes I spend money on things that you might not want to, so take my trip costs with a grain of salt. Hopefully it will at least provide an idea of how to travel around the world on a relatively modest budget.